Talk Like A Pirate Day

Talk Like A Pirate Day

A Swashbucklin’ Good Time!

Ahoy, me hearties! Ready yer sea legs and polish yer hooks, because it’s that time o’ year again—International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Every September 19th, landlubbers and scallywags alike get to unleash their inner buccaneer by growlin’, hollerin’, and “Arrr-ing” their way through the day. But how did this swashbuckling celebration come to be? And what’s the deal with pirates anyway? Let’s dive into the grog-filled, treasure-laden history of this quirky holiday, with a special nod to some of the fiercest women pirates to ever sail the high seas!

How It All Began: The Birth of a Pirate Holiday

It all started in 1995 when two mates, John Baur (Ol’ Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap’n Slappy), decided that the world needed a day where everyone could talk like a pirate. Why? Well, why not? They were playing racquetball and, after a few too many “Arrr, good shot!” and “Shiver me timbers, that was close!”, they realized they were onto something.

The idea might have stayed just between them if it weren’t for humor columnist Dave Barry. When Barry got wind of this goofy holiday, he wrote about it in his syndicated column in 2002, launching Talk Like A Pirate Day into international fame. And the rest, as they say, is history. Now, millions of people across the globe join in the fun, channeling their inner Blackbeards and Calico Jacks for a day of nautical nonsense.

Why Talk Like a Pirate?

Ye may be wonderin’, why should ye talk like a pirate? Well, matey, talkin’ like a pirate brings out the adventurer in all of us. It’s a day to embrace a bit of silliness, break free from the ordinary, and maybe even learn a bit about history. Plus, it’s fun to say things like “scallywag” and “booty” without raisin’ too many eyebrows.

And remember, it’s not just about talkin’—ye can dress the part too! Dust off yer tricorn hat, slip into yer striped trousers, and don’t forget that trusty cutlass (plastic, of course!). Want to go the extra mile? Brush up on some pirate phrases, like “Blimey!” (an expression of surprise) or “Heave ho!” (a call to put some muscle into it). If yer feelin’ fancy, toss in a few “savvy?” (do you understand?) to really impress the crew.

Women Pirates: The Fiercest Captains of the Seven Seas

Now, it wouldn’t be right to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day without giving a shoutout to some of the most fearsome women to ever hoist the Jolly Roger. These ladies were more than capable of givin’ the lads a run for their doubloons, and their tales are legendary.

Grace O’Malley

Known as the Pirate Queen of Ireland, Grace O’Malley was a leader, sailor, and rebel who defied English rule in the 16th century. She commanded a fleet of ships and fought against the forces of Queen Elizabeth I. Grace wasn’t just a pirate; she was a shrewd negotiator and a fierce protector of her people. Her life was the stuff of legend, full of daring sea battles, political intrigue, and, of course, plunderin’ plenty of booty.

Pirate Jokes to Keep Ye Laughin’

Now, what’s a pirate blog without a few good jokes to keep ye smilin’? Here be some pirate humor to make yer day even brighter:

  • Why did the pirate go to the Caribbean? He wanted some arr and arr!
  • How do pirates prefer to communicate? Aye to aye!
  • What’s a pirate’s favorite type of exercise? Plank-ing!

Join the Fun

So, how can ye celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day? It’s easy! Start by playing the card game Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas.  Get the game in time for Talk Like A Pirate Day – use the discount code “pirate24” with FREE shipping to the USA.

For more pirate-themed fun, change yer voicemail greeting to a hearty “Ahoy!” and end the day with a good pirate movie marathon. Get yer mates together for a treasure hunt or a pirate-themed game night. If ye’re feelin’ generous, donate to a charity in the spirit of pirate booty (after all, pirates always share the wealth… sorta).

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun, let loose, and embrace the swashbucklin’ spirit that lives in all of us. Talk Like A Pirate Day is all about celebrating the freedom of the high seas and the joy of bein’ just a little bit mischievous.

Fair winds and smooth seas to ye, and may yer Talk Like A Pirate Day be filled with adventure, laughter, and maybe even a bit o’ treasure. Arrr!

The Fabulous High Seas: A Journey Through the History of Gay Pirates

Pirate Party women of the high seas card game for pride month

Ahoy, mateys! Grab your eye patches and rainbow flags as we set sail on a fabulous journey through the swashbuckling world of gay pirates.

While Hollywood often paints pirates as rough and gruff scallywags, history reveals a vibrant tapestry of diverse identities and love stories that defy the traditional stereotypes. So, buckle your swashes and hoist the Jolly Roger—we’re diving into the fascinating, and surprisingly inclusive, world of pirate history!

The Golden Age of Piracy: A Diverse Crew

The Golden Age of Piracy, spanning the late 17th and early 18th centuries, was a time of rebellion and defiance against rigid societal norms. Pirates, outcasts by nature, often formed their own codes of conduct and social structures aboard their ships, creating environments that were remarkably egalitarian and inclusive.

One of the most notable examples of inclusivity at sea is the pirate haven of Libertalia, a legendary utopian colony founded by Captain Misson and his companion Caraccioli. Although its existence remains unproven, Libertalia is said to have welcomed people of all races and creeds, including those who didn’t conform to traditional gender and sexual norms.

Love on the High Seas

Pirate ships were microcosms of society, where men and women from various backgrounds lived in close quarters. This environment fostered deep bonds and relationships, some of which were romantic and intimate.

One of the most famous pirate couples was Anne Bonny and Mary Read. Both women disguised themselves as men to join pirate crews and eventually sailed with the notorious “Calico Jack” Rackham. The exact nature of their relationship remains a topic of speculation, but historical accounts suggest a deep bond and mutual admiration. Anne and Mary’s story illustrates how pirate life allowed for more fluid and unconventional expressions of gender and sexuality.

Matelotage: The Pirate’s Pact

A significant aspect of pirate culture that highlights their unique approach to relationships is “matelotage,” a form of same-sex civil union practiced among pirates. This bond was not merely for companionship but often involved shared property, joint economic ventures, and mutual care in times of illness or injury. The term “matelot” comes from the French word for “sailor,” but within the pirate community, it signified a deeper, often romantic partnership.

The practice of matelotage reflects the pragmatic and progressive nature of pirate society. By forming these unions, pirates ensured their well-being and economic stability, while also enjoying the personal freedoms that came with these partnerships. Some historical records even suggest that matelotage was a form of resistance against the rigid and oppressive societal norms of their time.

Pirates of All Colors

Pirate crews were often racially diverse, as piracy offered an escape from the racial hierarchies and oppressions of the mainland. Many pirates were formerly enslaved people or indentured servants who found freedom and camaraderie on the high seas. This diversity extended to sexual orientation and gender identity, creating a melting pot of cultures and lifestyles.

For instance, Black Caesar, an African pirate who escaped enslavement and became one of Blackbeard’s most trusted lieutenants, exemplifies the diverse makeup of pirate crews. While there are no specific records of his sexual orientation, the inclusive nature of pirate culture suggests that individuals like Black Caesar found acceptance among their peers, regardless of their personal identities.

The Legacy of Gay Pirates

The history of gay pirates is more than just a collection of fascinating anecdotes; it’s a testament to the resilience and adaptability of human beings in the face of adversity. Pirates created societies that defied the rigid norms of their time, embracing diversity in all its forms. Their stories remind us that even in the most unlikely places, love and acceptance can flourish.
Today, the legacy of these audacious sailors lives on, inspiring books, movies, and even themed events like LGBTQ+ pirate festivals. Their tales continue to captivate our imaginations, offering a colorful and inclusive perspective on a time often romanticized for its adventure and rebellion.

So next time you raise a glass of rum and toast to the high seas, remember the brave souls who sailed against the tide of conformity, proving that the pirate’s life was indeed a life for all. Arrr, mateys!


Enjoy the lightly strategic Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas – a card game of powerful women pirates inspired from history.

Jeanne De Clisson

Jeanne De Clisson, the female pirate, woman pirate, Lioness of Brittany, pirate party:women of the high seas card game

The Lioness of Brittany: Jeanne de Clisson, and Her Black Fleet


Jeanne De Clisson, the “Lioness of Brittany,” was a fierce and fearless female pirate who terrorized the seas of France and England during the 14th century. Her story is one of revenge, courage, and cunning, and it has inspired countless tales of female empowerment and liberation.

Jeanne was born into a noble family in 1300 in Brittany, France. She lived a comfortable life as a wife and mother until her husband, Olivier III de Clisson, was executed by King Philip VI of France in 1343. The king accused Olivier of conspiring with the English and ordered his public execution by beheading.

She was devastated by her husband’s politically motivated murder and swore revenge against the French king. She sold all her possessions, raised a private army, and started attacking French ships in the English Channel. She became known as the “Black Fleet,” and her ship was painted black to symbolize her mourning and thirst for revenge.

Jeanne’s attacks were brutal and swift. She would capture French ships, kill the crew, and then spare one or two men to tell the tale of her vengeance. She even went as far as to have her ships’ hulls painted red to represent the blood of the French nobles she had killed.

Jeanne’s exploits quickly caught the attention of the English king, Edward III, who was at war with France at the time. Edward offered to support Jeanne in her quest for revenge, and she accepted his help.

Jeanne’s Black Fleet became a formidable force on the seas, and she continued to wreak havoc on French ships. Her most famous attack was against a ship owned by the French Admiral Hugues Quiéret. Jeanne captured the ship, executed the crew, and personally beheaded Quiéret with an axe. She then threw his body overboard, declaring that it was not enough to simply kill him; she wanted to make sure he would never rest in peace.

Jeanne’s reputation as a ruthless and vengeful pirate grew, and she became known as the “Lioness of Brittany.” She was feared by both French and English sailors and was considered one of the most dangerous pirates of her time.

Despite her success, Jeanne’s pirate career was short-lived. In 1356, Edward III signed the Treaty of Bretigny, which ended the war between England and France. Jeanne was left without a cause, and she retired from piracy. She later remarried and lived a quiet life in England until her death in 1359.

Jeanne’s story is a remarkable one, and it has inspired countless tales of female empowerment and liberation. She defied the expectations of her time and became a powerful figure in a male-dominated world. Her bravery, cunning, and thirst for revenge have made her a legendary figure in history.

If you’re interested in learning more about Jeanne De Clisson, there are several great resources available online. The following blog posts provide additional information about her life and adventures:

Marge Rosen

Marge Rosen


Marge is a game designer for Seaport Games.  Learn more in the About section of this website.

box for pirate party women of the high seas card game. 2-4 players ages 10+
Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas

Jeanne De Clisson is one of six vibrant, diverse, historic women pirate captains with special powers in this new pirate card game for 2-4 players.

Race to collect sets of cards by suit that include a captain and crew or sets of 3-of-a-kind. Plunder, pillage and raid from other players to take the most pirate booty to win. There’s plenty of adventure, period ships, tresure and mermaid wild cards.  Just beware the Kraken!


Did you enjoy this sea story about a legendary women pirate captain? Which pirate captains would you like to hear about?  Let us know.

Get exclusive game news, sea stories and more.  Subscribe today.


Ching Shih

Ching Shih

Ching Shih Ruled the South China Sea

Upon the remains of his tattered ship, a young Chinese sailor blinked in disbelief. Once a member of the decorated Chinese Navy, he now remained the defeated sole survivor of a dastardly battle with the Red Flag Fleet. But how could it be? The Red Flag were a group of pirates, led by the female madame Ching Shih!

Little did this young sailor know that Ching was a master of strategy and the art of war. But she wasn’t always an infamous outlaw– as a matter of fact, Ching once worked as a nameless face aboard a floating brothel that serviced other pirates traveling through the South China sea. It was here that Ching Shih learned the art of deception and negotiation, something that aided her later in her pirate career.

Ching was noticed one day by a famed Chinese pirate named Zheng Yi. Ching had garnished a reputation as a shrewd businesswoman, a desirable trait to a wealthy pirate like Zheng Yi. But Zheng found himself falling for more than just her financial savvy, for her charm and silver tongue entranced him into immediately offering her his hand in marriage! Ching gladly accepted, on one condition: that she would be granted co-captain of his massive fleet. Ching explained that due to her trade, she had learned secrets about her most wealthy and politically connected clients, giving Zheng significant leverage. He agreed without question. The two were destined to become pirate legends, ruling over the Red Flag Fleet with power and glory!

Or were they? For only six years into the marriage, Zheng passed under mysterious circumstances. His death was devastating to Ching, who had never dealt with such loss before. But despite her pain, Ching remained strong and stony-faced to the rest of the world. With her husband being gone, it meant that all of his assets were in limbo. But Ching was determined to never again be a nameless girl in a brothel. She gathered up all her might and declared herself the official captain of the Red Flag Fleet, now in control of thousands of vessels and the men that manned them. It was taboo for female pirates to be captains back in Ching’s time, but she was quick to garner the respect she needed — and became one of the most powerful pirate rulers of her time.

Ching demanded all the pirates underneath her command follow a strict code of conduct to keep them in line. Most pirates obeyed without question; the ones who disrespected their superiors ended up brutally beheaded! Ching also stated that taking women captive was strictly forbidden and would be met with death. Although she had a great deal of wealth and power, she could never forget the days working alongside her other girls. Under Ching’s rule, The Red Flag Fleet became undefeated. Not even the Chinese Navy could match her strength, with their own boats ripped to shreds. Her notoriety and capability as a ruler became legendary, even permeating popular culture today.

Logan Thompson

Logan Thompson


Logan Thompson is a writer based in Atlanta, GA. Her credits include numerous films and award-winning games. She loves the excitement of video games and being able to choose your own destiny! When she isn’t writing, you can find her curled up on the couch with her cat (and best friend) Juliet.

Launched on Kickstarter!

box for pirate party women of the high seas card game. 2-4 players ages 10+
Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas

Ching Shih is one of six vibrant, diverse, historic women pirate captains with special powers in this new pirate card game for 2-4 players.

Race to collect sets of cards by suit that include a captain and crew or sets of 3-of-a-kind. Plunder, pillage and raid from other players to take the most pirate booty to win. There’s plenty of adventure, period ships, tresure and mermaid wild cards.  Just beware the Kraken!


Did you enjoy this sea story about a legendary women pirate captain? Which pirate captains would you like to hear about?  Let us know.

Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas has launched on Kickstarter!  Get exclusive first access to the game, game news, sea stories and more.  Subscribe today.


Grace O’Malley

Grace O’Malley

Grace stood on the deck of her ship, pondering her next move. The English frigate sat in the cove of Clew Bay like a beckoning gift, laden with treasures, just waiting to be unwrapped. It was the moonlight that would betray her. She tapped her bottom lip, thinking. “Mulligan!” She called for her first mate. She still had a few tricks left to her and the fog, beautiful and pearly, floating on the water like a delicate obscuring miasma – the fog would grant her enough cover to get to the much larger, more difficult to maneuver ship and give her and her men enough time to harvest the bounty within its groaning hold.

With any luck, it was one of a group of Barks coming back from the Straits of Magellan, laden with goods stolen from the Spanish Main. She grinned a catlike grin as Mulligan strode up to her, bowlegged and quick.

“How do the winds blow tonight, my lady?”

“They blow fair, my Mulligan. Tonight let’s use the shallow draft pinnace. Take Weasel and Sweaty Sean, the Albatross, La Faye, McKee and the cimarrone Leone. And six more, the stronger ones, good with a harquebus. Make sure Leone has his blowgun, but not too much curare! I want no killing! Just enough to paralyze, do you understand?”

“Aye, my lady. I’ll let him know. You’ll be coming, then?”

“Of course. I’ll leave Ian in charge of the Seahorse.”

Mulligan rolled his eyes.

“I know, I know. And take the signaling lantern. I’ll let Cliff the watch know what the signals are. He’ll make the Seahorse ready in case the English frigate has her dander up and wants to use the brass cannon at night, the moon and all – and wrap the oars in worn cloth – the old stuff cook uses for rags, yes? And wear dark clothing. Tell Weasel to take off all his dainty finery. Those earrings, pretty as they are, they’ll catch in the light.”

“Oh, aye. I’ll get the lads ready.”

“And bring the boarding kit, the ladder, pikes, the lot.”

“Already in the pinnace, my lady.”

Grace smiled, and secured her long red hair into a bun behind her head. “Then let’s go lighten the load of our English friends’ pretty cradle.”

It was very late. They had waited until the moon had sunk almost below the edge of the cove’s wall. Grace smelled low tide, the fishy reek of seaweed, the mineral smell of muck and mud and oysters. The smell of home. She stood hunched at the prow of the pinnace and slowly, slowly and quietly, the men rowed silently around the cove wall and there in front of them, its dark shape outlined against the shore, was the English vessel, running at anchor, still in the night. There was no wind, only the creak of the pinnace and the smooth rippling sound as the low sleek boat cut the water towards their prey.

“Quietly now boys, quietly…” Grace whispered.

“Mulligan, the watch! Do you see the watch?”

Mulligan already had the telescope out and was searching the aft of the English frigate. “No, don’t see him yet…wait…there he is.”

“Leone! Are we close enough?

“My lady, he’s too far away. A little closer.”

“Row boys, row to her starboard side. We’ll use the shadows of the cliff wall to help hide us!” She thanked the gods the moon’s crescent light had sunk below the cliff line.

Grace held her breath. Her skin was flushed, her heart was beating fast and never before had she felt more alive, with the marine air teasing along her bare forearms and the feel of her blood hot in her body, her eyes, the lust for gold singing her name. If they could just stay low and quiet and dark, so that the watch didn’t see them. With any luck the watch would get careless. With any luck, Leone’s dart would strike cleanly and Weasel could scamper up the side first to secure the English decks.

Mulligan hissed for the men to stop rowing. Leone was signaling that he had a clear shot. Grace held her breath, watching the enormous cimarrone stand up and take aim at the small dark shape that was standing, stretching….she heard the intake of breath from Leone, then the forceful explosion of air and the punk! of the dart as it flew its invisible needle-like path towards the watch. For a moment there was no sound but the sea slapping against the sides of the low pinnace. Then they all heard it…the sound of a man crumpling to his knees, then the final thud. Grace turned to her men, smiling a wolfish grin.

“Well done, Leone! Now let’s go get our share, boys!”

They brought the pinnace up alongside the great ship and Weasel and Mulligan took pikes and lifted the rope ladder up and onto the railing of the ship. Weasel went first, small and light, quick as his namesake. Grace went second, then Mulligan with the signal lamp. The rest of the crew followed.

Grace peered through the darkness. There was only one lamp left alight for the watch on the port bow; she walked slowly, a harquebus in one hand, brought up by the crew, and in her other hand, her broadsword.

When all her men were armed and ready, they got in order; Weasel first, the quickest to find the captain’s quarters; then Mulligan to secure below decks, to keep the enlisted men from interfering for as long as possible; the rest of the men to threaten the other officers, and Grace to parlay with the captain to let him know he was being relieved of his burden of goods.

The captain and his officers must have had an officers’ party that night. Hard to wake and dulled by drink, Mulligan, Grace and Weasel locked them in their quarters without much fuss and the rest of her crew detained the enlisted men, who shuffled their feet and looked sullen and angry, but impotent the lot of them without the officers’ direction.

Grace took Mulligan down into the hold to take stock of the goods. In the glow of the lantern’s light, they found small barrels of honey, bundles of sarsaparilla, and bags of dried maize. There was colorful woven cloth, sacks of cocoa, and barrels of Spanish sherry and two of Scottish whiskey,

Mulligan let out a shout. She left off counting the casks of honey and came where he stood. He lifted the edge of a canvas cloth back to reveal the bars of gold and silver beneath. He whistled low and Grace raised her eyebrows. “I’ll drink to this,” she whispered.

There were two crates of cotton in which were hidden two large sacks of rough cut emeralds and diamonds, and several small sacks of raw pearls that caught the lantern light and gleamed with a lustre like moonlight.

There was also ambergris, several gilt scimitars with rubies encrusted in their pommels, salted duck and two barrels of dried tobacco leaves.

“Well, Mulligan. I think we found one of the fattest oysters yet,” she breathed.

“My lady, we have indeed.”

H. M. Sanders

H. M. Sanders


Helen MacKay Sanders is the author of The Widowed Warlock and The Ring Maker series for Laughing Tiger Publishing.  Visit  to read more stories.  She lives on the San Juan Islands of the Pacific Northwest. When she isn’t writing fantasy novels, she can be heard playing the bagpipes.

box for pirate party women of the high seas card game. 2-4 players ages 10+
Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas

Grace O’Malley is one of six powerful women pirates in the game, inspired by real historical women pirates.

Race to collect sets of cards and score the most pirate booty to win.  There’s plenty of adventure, period ships, treasure, and mermaid wildcards.  Just beware the Kraken!


Now on Kickstarter!

Did you enjoy this sea story about a legendary women pirate captains? Which pirate captain would you like to hear about?

Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas has launched on Kickstarter!  Check it out now.

Follow along by subscribing below to get first access to the game, game news and more!


Can You Talk Like A Pirate?

Can You Talk Like A Pirate?

We are getting ready for Talk Like A Pirate Day on Sunday, September 19, 2021!  Let’s have some fun brushing up on some pirate terms and pirate lingo — savvy?

Take this fun quiz and see (no punctuation, please).  The person with the most correct answers wins! Include your email address for a chance to win a stylish Seaport Games die-cut sticker!  One entry per person/email address. The contest ends September 19, 10pm Pacific Time.


seaport games logo, tabletop games, games for kids, card games, board games

Pirate Queen Artemisia

Pirate Queen Artemisia

Raid in the Fog

A thick fog hung over the Persian armada like a bad omen as we sailed after the smaller Greek ships. Even with our vision obscured, we maintained full speed. This was a full-scale assault and we would not let the enemy escape. Little did we know the Greeks were using our aggression to lure us into a trap. Their retreat had funneled us into a small strait where our maneuverability was nearly zero versus theirs until it was too late. We’d gone from menacing wolves to sheep at the slaughterhouse. I knew this raid was a bad idea.

Queen of Halicarnassus

By all rights, I needn’t even be here. I was born in Halicarnassus to a Persian father of the Lygdamid dynasty and a Greek mother from the island of Crete. I lived a fully aristocratic life. After the passing of my ruling husband, I became Queen Regent for my young son, Pisindelis, who was not yet of age to rule. I did not rest on my laurels in this position as many would expect, oh no, that is where my legend was born.

We came to be stuck in this dubious haze thanks to a particularly vengeful chain of events. In retribution for the defeat at Marathon, the great Emperor Xerxes put out a call for as many ships as the Persian satrapies could offer. As acting ruler I send five ships and, though under no obligation, I chose to lead them into battle. This first link in the chain led to my initial reputation as a shrewd schemer and ruthless pirate.Dastardly


With the wind at my back and the salty mist drying to a crust on my skin, winning was everything and I won any way I could. One favorite tactic was to raise the Greek flag whenever foreign ships were first spotted. This way, by the time they realized we were actually Persian vessels, it was too late — they were outflanked and outwitted. I became so infamous for my success against the Greeks that they offered a 10,000 drachmas reward for my capture or confirmed death. That prize remained forever unclaimed.

My notoriety didn’t stop with the enemy, however, as even Xerxes himself sought my council in matters of war. Notably, before the Battle of Salamis – the name given to the foggy predicament we found ourselves in. I was the only commander who advised against engaging the Greek forces at sea. I lacked faith in the other commanders and feared it would lead to a defeat. Though the great Emperor valued my point of view and applauded my bravery in speaking out against the crowd, he decided to side with the majority and carry on with the battle.

It’s a Trap!

The only way out of the trap was to use the fog the Greeks had exploited to my own advantage. I ordered my ships to come about and copy the Greek tactic of ramming our own ships. With orders to hold fast and give no quarter, we plowed through fellow Persian ships. Boards buckled, oars splintered, our allies screamed and many cursed as they jumped overboard rather than be smashed against a mast or riddled with splinters. I directed my crew to push through, let nothing stand between us and our freedom. The ploy was so unexpected, it managed to fool a pursuing Greek ship into turning away and attacking another, more entangled Persian flagship.

I felt no remorse for my actions as I had explicitly stated that this raid was a poor tactical decision. I always looked out for my ships and crew; everything else came second. There was, however, no escaping a confrontation with Xerxes about my treachery when I returned to the Empire.

Facing the Emperor

The emperor perceived my actions as impressive. Not only was I lauded for my quick thinking and determination, but Xerxes granted me the honor of escorting his own children to Ephesus for safety. I was the only one he believed could arrive in Ephesus without incident proving that he held me in the highest esteem.

By the time the children were delivered, my son had taken his rightful place as ruler of Halicarnassus, leaving me free to pursue my own interests. I returned to the sea now untethered to Xerxes and the Persian Empire. In the end, it was a pirate’s life for me!


Marge Rosen

Marge Rosen

Game Designer

Marge Rosen is a Game Designer for Seaport Games.  She designed the game Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas.  When she isn’t playing games, she’s playing music.

Coming to Kickstarter!

box for pirate party women of the high seas card game. 2-4 players ages 10+
Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas

Artemisia is one of six vibrant, diverse, historical women pirate captains with special powers in this twist on pirate card games.

Race to collect sets of cards by suit that include a captain and crew or sets of 3-of-a-kind. Plunder, pillage and raid from other players to take the largest pirate booty. If you are lucky, a mermaid may help you. Just beware the Kraken!


Did you enjoy this sea story about a legendary women pirate captains? Which pirate captain would you like to hear about?

Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas is coming to Kickstarter soon!  Follow along and get first access to the game and game news.


Pirate of the Caribbean

Pirate of the Caribbean

Ann Bonny pirates of the Caribbean pirate party card game women of the high seas famous female pirates

Anne Bonny – Pirate of the Caribbean

Anne Bonny was never “ladylike.” In fact, many fellows at their first glance wouldn’t have thought her to be a lady at all. With a loose tunic and men’s cap perched atop a thicket of fiery red hair, Anne sailed the high seas as one of the most ruthless female pirates in maritime history — all while disguised as a man!

Anne was no stranger to cross-dressing, for even as a child she wore boyish clothing; she had been posed as her father’s nephew to avoid the scandal of being born out of wedlock. But, in spite of these early hardships, Anne grew up to have a fierce and courageous temper. She would often find herself in fights as a teenaged girl, even beating up a suitor of hers! All of this disappointed her father deeply, but she knew that her own freedom and independence as a woman was paramount. She couldn’t be bothered with what others thought of her.

Eventually, Anne was whisked away to the Caribbean by a young sailor named James Bonny. They married without her father’s approval and Anne said her somber goodbyes to her childhood home. But her spirits were soon lifted — James introduced her to the twinkling blue seas and the warm, hearty glow of the pirate bars that dotted the coast. It was in those very bars that Anne found her true calling as a swashbuckling swindler, swapping stories and making merry with the men. But it was on one starry night in the Bahamas that Anne met a man who was different from the rest… that was the night Anne was introduced to a flamboyant pirate captain by the name of John Rackham, aka Calico Jack.

Jack, with his colorful fine fabrics and silver tongue, was unlike any pirate she had ever met before. Anne had never felt love for anyone before — but just looking at Jack’s smile made her heart flutter. The two instantly connected. Jack himself was attracted to Anne’s capability and strength as a woman, and Anne couldn’t help but to fall for his confident charm. It wasn’t long before rumors of their torrid affair spread throughout New Providence, but before poor sailor James could confront his wife about her relations to Jack, the two had set sail. Anne, determined to finally make a life of her own, became a member of Calico Jack’s crew and his right-hand woman!

Within no time, Anne was able to prove herself as a valuable member of the pirate crew. When a puny deckhand on Jack’s ship began to jabber about a female being aboard, Anne silenced him herself: by stabbing him through the heart with her blade. Afterwards, every member aboard The Ranger treated Anne with the utmost respect. It wasn’t long until Anne introduced another female crew member aboard, a young woman named Mary Read whose grit and ability to disguise herself as a man made her the perfect companion to Anne. Together, the two became pirate legends, and their names would go down in history!

Logan Thompson

Logan Thompson


Logan Thompson is a writer based in Atlanta, GA. Her credits include numerous films and award-winning games. She loves the excitement of video games and being able to choose your own destiny! When she isn’t writing, you can find her curled up on the couch with her cat (and best friend) Juliet.

Coming to Kickstarter!

box for pirate party women of the high seas card game. 2-4 players ages 10+
Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas

Anne Bonny is one of six vibrant, diverse, historic women pirate captains with special powers in this twist on pirate card games.

Race to collect sets of cards by suit that include a captain and crew or sets of 3-of-a-kind. Plunder, pillage and raid from other players to take the largest pirate booty. If you are lucky, a mermaid may help you. Just beware the Kraken!


Did you enjoy this sea story about a legendary women pirate captains? Which pirate captain would you like to hear about?

Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas is coming to Kickstarter soon!  Follow along and get first access to the game and game news.